Five magical creatures are ready to share their long-lost magic! Join them on an amazing, imaginative adventure and learn the 3 "special powers" held by each mini wand. Wands are made of magical ingredients like stars from a rainbow, magical unicorn hair, and pearls that hold wishes. Enter a world of imagination by looking through the center of each wand! Make 5 wands with "special powers." Finished wands are between 6 and 7 inches long.
49 Foam Stickers, 5 Pcs Acetate, 71 Plastic Beads, 3 Plastic Straws, 5 Chenille Stems, 1.5 Yds (1.3m) Embroidery Thread, .035 Oz. (1 G) Plastic Strips, 6 Puffy Stickers, Instructions
Craft-tastic Myo Magical Wands - Arts & Craft Activities, from PlayMonster and Craft-tastic