The North Atlantic Right whale swims slowly through the sea with its small front flippers. It keeps its large body on course with its broad, transverse tail fin. It only travels around 8 km per hour. It swims slowly, because as it glides through the water, it filters small crabs and fish called Krill through the sieve in its mouth, which it then eats with relish. A full meal takes quite a long while for a giant like him. After all, the sea giant weighs up to 100 tons, so its appetite for krill is neverending!
- Discover the world through play with the authentic and detailed figures from schleich®. They look so real, they may just start to run!
- schleich® products inspire the imagination and guarantee an educationally valuable play experience full of adventure.
- This schleich® product is part of the WILD LIFE theme world and is suitable for children aged 3 and over.