The Mangalica pig wanders around the enclosure, ears bobbing. It squeaks energetically. I wonder what it's up to? It stretches its snout into the air and has a sniff. Its snout wiggles back and forth. What's that smell? Acorns! The woolly pig snuffles around in the earth and before you know it it has hit on some acorns! They are a real delicacy! It grunts with relish and crunches the nuts with its strong jaws. Yummy!
- Discover the world through play with the authentic and detailed figures from schleich®. They look so real, they may just start to run!
- schleich® products inspire the imagination and guarantee an educationally valuable play experience full of adventure.
- This schleich® product belongs to the FARM WORLD theme world and is suitable for children aged 3 years and over.